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Feng Shui Motherboard!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Beijing, China - Fengtek released their first motherboard based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. Many interior designers use the principles of Feng Shui to arrange furniture in rooms, so the areas have positive energy. Fengtek is the first company to move these principles to motherboard design.
Vincent Xiang, lead designer at Fengtek, explained how positioning the components away from traditional locations brought peace to the motherboard, "We put the CPU in the center, because that is the chi, or life force for the entire board. A centered chi provides better performance."
"We didn't rely on reference boards or schematics from chip manufacturers. Those designs had too many straight lines and sharp corners, which are unnatural and direct poison arrows at our soul. Instead, we tilted the memory slots and added an extra expansion slot at an angle to direct those negative energies away from the user," continued Xiang.
For further explanation on how this principle was applied, click here.
3:51 PM :: ::
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