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An idiot's guide in creating a zero gravity chamber

Friday, September 02, 2005
I got this from AmaSci.
Here's a quick way to generate "zero gravity." Actually, this is really a method for generating freefall weightlessness. Zero-G means zero acceleration or zero G-force, not "zero gravity."
The space shuttle orbits at about 300 miles above the earth. Did you know that, at 300 miles above the earth, the gravity is only about 15% less than gravity at the surface? Gravity inside the space shuttle is 85% normal. It only appears to be zero. This happens because the space shuttle is falling, and the astronauts are falling as well. Whenever any container is falling free, the contents of the container will appear to be weightless. Of course the shuttle and its contents are also moving sideways as they fall, so they never hit the earth.
Our "zero gravity" generator is simply a TV camera in a box. By shifting our point of view to the inside of a movable box, we can create genuine "weightlessness", exactly the same as within any orbiting space craft.

- Camcorder or small TV camera
- Television monitor
- Long narrow cardboard box
- Light fixture and floodlight
- wooden boards
read whole article.
2:54 PM :: ::
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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 3:26:00 PM  
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