The Many Faces Of Santa
Monday, December 05, 2005
Santa Claus actually started out as a version of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, known as Neptune by the Romans. The Romans and Greeks held a festival on December 6 in his honor. But due to the rise of Christianity, the day was changed to St. Nicholas Day in honor of an Asian bishop, Nicholas of Myra.In America, they celebrate with Santa and his flying reindeer. But many countries still celebrate with their own unique version of Santa:
In Sicily, it is the spirits of departed loved ones who bring gifts to children.
Italian children wait for a kindly old witch named Befana who flies through the air on a broom.
A Russian counterpart is known as Baboushka. Also called Grandfather Frost in some parts of the country.
In Holland "Sintirklass" arrives by boat on December 6th. Children leave a wooden shoe filled with hay and carrots for the donkey which carries the pack of toys.
In Sweden a gnome called "Juletomten" brings gifts in a sleigh driven by goats.
In Germany and Switzerland the "Christkindl", or Christ Child, brings the gifts. In some towns, Christkindl is an angel who comes down from heaven to give gifts.
In Australia Santa rides water skis, has a white beard, and red bathing suit.
In China, Christmas Old Man, brings gifts to children.
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10:03 PM :: ::
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Edgar :: permalink
Hope you get the mail...i'm still studying,Edgar,and actually,we're not so well paid in Portugal,but is a cool country to vacations,LOL.
By Vasco Coelho, at Monday, December 05, 2005 10:57:00 PM
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