Nandor's Exhaustive Chemical Words Pages
Monday, January 09, 2006
Mark Nandor, a teacher of mathematics at The Wellington School, has recently posted a new chemical words page. For those who haven't seen this before, it is a list of English words that can be spelled using chemical symbols.He writes:
The following pages are dedicated to English words that can be spelled using chemical symbols. Since the list of chemical symbols is changing every few years, I need to make it clear that these lists are good through 12/31/05, and include all elements through element 111, Roentgenium (Rg), which was named on November 1st, 2004.
Who might be interested in this page? Anyone who loves chemistry, certainly. High school teachers could use these words to increase the interest in the subject. How about English lovers who want ONe SUPEr ScHoOLaSTiC PrOCeSS ThAt He/SHe CaN USe In ClAsS? Or what about chemistry teachers trying to help student learn their chemical symbols (Example: Picasso pioneered what short-lived but influential form of art? Answer: Copper, Bismuth, Samarium = CuBiSm).
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